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Riverside, California 92508
AARP Arizona Collaborates with Gold Canyon Heart and Home to Support Mike Fagan’s Hiking Journey
Gold Canyon Heart and Home (GCHH) announced today the monumental attempt of 71-year-old Mike Fagan to hike the Triple Crown Trail in one season. The 7,900 mile Triple Crown includes the three longest trails in the United States: The Appalachian Trail (2,184 miles), the Pacific Crest Trail (2,654) and the Continental Divide Trail (3,100).
The “I Hike With Mike” project is meant to involve as many 50+ year old individuals as possible in the support and successful completion of this mission. “One person hiking the Triple Crown can inspire thousands. One person hiking the Triple Crown with the support and active participation of others in their age group creates the opportunity to inspire millions.”
Michael Fagan is an expert in fitness, wellness, nutrition, and most health-related fields. He has hiked all over the world in some of the harshest environments. He owns a Health Food store, called Montana Harvest Natural Foods in Billings, MT that focuses on the health and education of its customers rather than just selling products. He also has a radio show, “Let’s Stay Healthy” on News Talk 730.
The Triple Crown Trail Project is one hiker achieving a monumental goal and will video all three trails using a mosaic approach including volunteers who will hike along his attempt. This project embodies the paradigm that age is just a number, and that aging can be just another part of the way we manage our health. Michael Fagan will complete the Triple Crown Trail Project in one calendar year at 71 years of age. The intention is to involve as many 50+ year old individuals as possible in the support and successful completion of this mission. “One person hiking the Triple Crown can inspire thousands. One person hiking the Triple Crown with the support and active participation of others in their age group creates the opportunity to inspire millions,” said Joe Chiappetta, Executive Director of Gold Canyon Heart and Home. GCHH, an Arizona 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is sponsoring this project for Michael Fagan as part of its Senior Outreach and Support Initiatives.
Gold Canyon Heart and Home has entered a collaboration agreement with AARP Arizona to help promote and communicate Mike Fagan’s feat across 22 states. AARP was approached given their work in Age Disrupting. “We sincerely hope many of our AARP members get inspired to live their lives to the max and make it a purpose to stay active as we age. Mike should be viewed as an inspiration for all, no matter how old we are. Age is just a number and shouldn’t define or limit us,” said Dana Marie Kennedy, AARP Arizona State Director. To learn more about AARP’s Disrupt Aging ( #DisruptAging), please visit https://www.aarp.org/disrupt-aging/.
Mike will begin his endeavor on February 5th, 2019 in Springer Mountain Georgia and hopes to be finished sometime in the Fall on 2019 in New Mexico. To learn more about Mike Fagan and the Triple Crown Project, please visit https://www.gchh.org/triple-crown-senior-support/.
About Mike Fagan
Mike Fagan is an Arizona resident from Clarksdale and a part-time resident in Montana. Mike is an expert in fitness, wellness, nutrition, and most health-related fields. He has hiked all over the world in some of the harshest environments. He owns a Health Food store, called Montana Harvest Natural Foods in Billings, MT and has a local radio show, “Let’s Stay Healthy” on News Talk 730 that supports healthy eating and activities while focusing on the education of its customers rather than just selling them products.
About Gold Canyon Heart and Home
GCHH is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based out of Mesa AZ that focuses on developing community betterment projects. We specialize in Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Peer-to-Peer support. We utilize proven techniques that aid almost any individual or community cause in need of assistance. Gold Canyon Heart & Home (GCHH) was founded by a group of mentors, sponsors, and peer-to-peer educators from every walk of life and from every age group, vocation, profession, and demographics. GCHH personnel are carefully selected for their unique and diverse background. Staff included teachers, former military and government employees, entrepreneurs from various industries, experts in information technology, published authors, photographers, licensed contractors and more
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